Not the most brilliant pun… but a pun nonetheless.. and after a long time.

Laughter is the BEST medicine, and the best health tonic. Share a laugh!
Your happiness quotient – multiplied
Not the most brilliant pun… but a pun nonetheless.. and after a long time.
While this cartoon mmight appear funny, maybe its time to ask – why is it so stressful being a teacher? Why do we penalise our teachers so much?
You’re a 10 but it’s on the pH scale.
You’re a 10 but it’s on the Richter scale.
We have not posted a pun in a long time. This one finally comes along!
ACRs – Annual Confidential Reports were filed for most government servants as part of their performance appraisal.
These are some gems from actual ACRs. Let it not be said again that the officers do not have a sense of humour.
Bizarro remains genius!
Its not true, of course, but its hilarious!
Yes, we agree.. this is not how inheritance is supposed to work in coding 🙂