I am a simple person, I see my parents angry, I hide my phone.
Tag: English Jokes for Kids
Each of these is brilliant and sassy. Enjoy!
Q.1 – In which battle did Tipu Sultan Die ?..
Ans. – In his Last Battle..
Q.2 – Where was the Declaration of Independence Signed?
Ans. – At the Bottom of the Page..
Q.3 – What is the Main Reason for Divorce ?..
Ans. – Marriage..
Q.4 – Ganga Flows in which State ?..
Ans. – Liquid State..
Q.5 – When was Mahatma Gandhi Born ?..
Ans.- On His Birthday..
Q.6 – How will you Distribute 8 Mangoes among 6 People ?..
Ans – By Preparing Mango Shake..!!
I was at IKEA with my friend the other day, and I saw a coffee table called “Bias”
I said “Well, we can’t get this one!”
“Why not?” He asked.
“Look at it” I replied. “It’s leaning to one side.”
Perception Bias is a series of memes by Nidhi Arora, which explores how parents and children view the world differently.
We are glad to share her work.
I like your opera. Perhaps I will set it to music.
- Mozart
What did Yoda say when he saw himself in 4K?
What do you call a guy who’s really loud?
Why did the cow cross the road?
To listen to the moo-sician!