Farmers earn a meager celery, come home beet and just want to read the pepper, turn-ip the covers, en-dive into bed.
Tag: English Jokes for Kids
If something goes wrong with the 4th of July celebration at Mt. Rushmore…
It will be a monumental disaster.
Santa: What’s Bruce Lee’s favourite pageant?
Banta: Don’t know.
Santa: Diwa Lee.
Mother: Kam se kam naha le. It’s Diwali immediately.
The child sprinkles just a few drops of water on ownself.
Mother: What’s this?
Child: Kam se kam naha liya.
Who does their job even after getting fired?
Bullets and fireworks.
Flip joined college and was trying desperately to make friends.
But being socially awkward and shy, he wasn’t having it easy.
Until, one day, he suddenly started getting popular. He would go up to people and talk and they would include him in their groups in no time at all.
Flop, who had also joined college at the same time and was facing the same challenges, was suitably perplexed.
So, he decided to ask Flip what his secret was.
“Oh, I check their facebook and insta, then talk to them about things they are interested in.” Flip said cooly.
“That is Brilliance!! How did you figure this out?” Flop asked.
“Once I realised that all I need to understand an entity is meta data, the rest was easy.”
- Original joke by Nidhi Arora
Did you hear about the poker player who made the palm reader quit?
He refused to show his hand.
4 engineers got into a car. The car suddenly jammed and stopped.
Mechanical Engineer: It’s a broken starter.
Electrical Engineer: Dead battery.
Chemical Engineer: Starter fluid.
IT engineer: Hey guys lets just get out, close all the doors, open them, and get in again?
Let’s talk about.. Nero.
The legend of Nero goes that he played the fiddle while Rome burnt. This comic is based on that legend.
We saw this epic comic featuring Nero, and then just had to get a joke to match!

64AD: Nero bans the practice of Christianity throughout the Roman empire
Christians: I can’t believe this!
Romans: Correct.
Pirate Ship Captain: Can someone tell me how to write the number 2 in Roman numerals?
Crew: I I captain.
Mike says to Jack, “I found this pen, is it yours?”
Jack replies, “Don’t know let me see.” He then tries it and says, “Yes it is.”
Mike asks, “How do you know?”
Jack replies, “That’s my handwriting..”.