Tag: English Jokes for Kids
Flip, Flop, and Min go to work at a coal mine.
When they arrive the manager assigns each of them a task. Flip is in charge of digging. Flop is in charge of transportation. Min is in charge of supplies.
They get to work and everything is going smoothly. Flip is digging up the coal at a rapid pace. Flop is quickly transporting the coal and the two have quite the efficient operation going.
Slowly Flip’s pick begins to go dull and his shovel handle is breaking off. Flop’s transportation cart has a rickety wheel and they need replacements from their supply man, Min. However, Min is nowhere to be found. In fact, no one has seen him all day long. Frustrated, Flip and Flop go to find the manager and explain the situation. The manager is equally upset.
The three of them go about the mine looking to find Min. They search high and low, but Min can’t be found anywhere. Extremely frustrated and about to give up, they decide to take a look down a dark, abandoned shaft. They peak their heads in and suddenly Min jumps out of nowhere and yells, “SUPPRIES!!!”
What do apples and space time have in common?
I think the tomatoes in my garden are actually round red time travelers.
They all seem to be developing wormholes.
This one is a classic, and we always love it!