Tag: Clean Humour for kids
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The boss forwards an email to the assistant with a note. Please figure out if this message is from my tailor or from the lawyer.
The message:
Your suit is ready. Trial on Friday.
This meme idea is by Ishaan Kaila and is a Comedy Majors branded meme.
While cleaning the attic, Flip and Flop found an old receipt for some shoes they left at the repair shop 10 years ago.
They thought it would be funny to go to the shop and see if the shoes were still there. So they did.
They handed the stub to the repair man who took it and looked in the back. He came out again and said, “They’ll be ready on Wednesday.”
डॉक्टर : –
इसके पहले आपको कभी
स्पॉण्डिलाइटिस से कोई समस्या हुई थी…?
पेशेन्ट : –
हाँ , कई साल पहले…
डाक्टर : –
कब…कैसी समस्या आई थी…?
पेशेन्ट : –
स्कूल में ,
जब टीचर ने इसकी स्पेलिंग पूछी थी…!