Tag: best jokes
Came across a good pun after ages!

Whoever thought this up is a genius!!

Shashi Tharoor is an Indian politician who is well known for his aristocratic English. This video exemplifies that hilariously!
We love this comic for its wordplay.

At a party attended by many celebrities, the gray-haired veteran walked up to the stage with a cane and took his seat.
The host asked: “Do you still go to the doctor often ?”
Veteran said, “Yes, often “
Host asked, “Why ?”
Veteran said, “Patients must go to the doctor often! Only then doctor can survive !!”
The audience burst into applause, and cheered for the veteran’s witty language.
*The host then asked : “Do you then go to the pharmacist *
The veteran replied: of course because the pharmacist has also to survive.
Another round of applause.
Host asked, “Do you take medicine?”
Veteran said, “No ! I often throw it away because I also want to survive !!”
The audience laughed even more.
The host finally said : “Thank you for coming for this interview !”
The veteran replied : “You’re welcome ! I know, you have to survive too !!”
The audience burst into laughter and cheers, which lasted for a long time !!
This cartoon is, once again, brilliant in how it uses a popular hook marketing tactic to generate humour in an unexpected situation.