These will make you laugh.. a LOT!
Category: Memes
Today, we made this Gordon Ramsey meme. We’ve captioned it, but what caption would you use?
Send ur your captions!
We had a 9 day break. On day 6 of the break, we have a PTM.
So, this is how we feel:
We might think that CEOs are at the top of the power hierarchy.
But ask a CEO in private and they will tell you the pains of their life. The need to think and speak like a visionary but get evaluated on quarterly results.
Dealing with Boards.
Dealing with Teams.
Today, we present 3 memes. This series is called #JustCEOThings
#JustCEOThings is a crowdsourced project. Send us your memes at and we will publish them with credit to you.
These work memes are just the thing to point out the everyday Dilbertworld we all inhabit
Today’s parent meme – every parent will identify with!
Today’s life memes are a compilation that is sure to make you laugh.
This meme came to me while trying to study for the Hindi Exam. Enjoy!
These memes capture the essence of exams so well! Enjoy!