Author: Admin Comedy Majors
Hindi Jokes, हिन्दी जोक्स
व्यक्ति चाँद सितारों के पार निकल सकता है, पर वहाँ से नहीं निकल सकता जहां अभी अभी किसी ने पोंछा मारा हो।
RK Laxman is a classic in India. This week, we found two comics that say the same thing, more or less.
English Jokes
Teacher: Give me a sentence which includes the words, Defence, Defeat, Detail.
Flip: When a horse jumps over defence, defeat go first and then detail.
Today we have a selection of the best, most intelligent comics we have seen in some time.
हिन्दी जोक्स
कुछ तो पढ़ी लिखी होगी ये गर्मी
वरना इतनी डिग्रियाँ ले कर कौन घूमता है ?