Year: 2023
I want to meet the genius who named Delhi’s climate band “temperate”.
At this time, the Open-Air Fridge of Delhi is consistently maintaining 5 degrees.
I would post a picture of View from my Window, but that would give the term Smokescreen a whole new meaning.
It has been a while since we posted Perception Bias – the meme/comic series focused on how parents and kids see the world differently.
Here is the latest (based on true events but shhh! no one is talking)

Universal Law of Burner Attention:
The amount of attention paid to a gas burner on which one is making tea is inversely proportional to the amount of heating received by the cooking pot.
Simply put:
Paying attention to a gas burner leads to no heat reaching the vessel.
Corollary to the Law of Burner Attention:
When you look away for one split second, the tea on the burner boils over.
Image made using Dall-e2. Original by Nidhi Arora
My mother forwarded another video of this performer and I just had to go see his work! So looked for him on Youtube and found this treasure!
We will be featuring more of him in the coming weeks. Till then, laugh on!

This is too good!
- 5 ants + 5 ants = Tenants
- To bring ant from another country into your country = Important
- Ant that goes to school = Brilliant
- Ant that’s looking for a job = Applicant
- A spy ant = Informant
- A very little ant = Infant
- Ant that has a gun = Militant
- Ant that is fat = Abundant
- A proud ant = Arrogant 🤔
- Ant that is cruel and oppressive = Tyrant
- Ant that is friendly and lovely = Coolant
- Ant that changed from evil to good deeds = Repentant
- Ant that accumulated so much food in winter for summer = Abundant
- Ant that doesn’t need a change: Reluctant
- An ant that keeps financial account = Accountant
- Ant that occupies a flat = Occupant
- Very big ant = Giant
- The best ant = Excellant 😉
- Big ant = Elephant
- Ant that is important = Significant
- A sarcastic Ant = Mordant
- An extremely fast ant = Instant
- Shouting Ant = Rant
- An ant that doesn’t chang = Constant
- A dirty Ant = Pollutant
- Any you don’t like = Irritant
- Ant that is a specialist = Consultant